Our Model
How REAL Works​
The model is simple and carefully structured to help the brightest and most motivated girls stay and excel in education, and to ensure their success as part of REAL and beyond.
At each the site a mentor meets regularly with the 20 girls, both as a group and individually, offering them academic, social, and financial counseling. The mentor also meets with each girl’s teachers, so the teachers are also being held accountable.

At each of our sites, a committee of 5 to 8 community leaders and parents manages the finances and selects the 20 girls for support.
The mentor meets regularly with the 20 girls, both as a group and individually, to offer academic, social, and financial counseling. She also meets with their parents and teachers to hold both accountable.

The In-Country Program Manager visits each site regularly to monitor, support, and counsel the local committee and mentor, and communicates regularly with the REAL Executive Director.
Each girl receives a monthly stipend with which to pay for school supplies, any school-related fees, and to open a bank account to develop the habit of saving. In addition, her family receives a portion of that stipend to facilitate their daughter continuing in school.

REAL Executive Director
Tsehai Wodajo (left), the founder of REAL, travels to Ethiopia twice a year to meet with every level of the organization and to facilitate in-country partnerships for REAL girls and mentors.
REAL Organization